Zatch Bell Omega
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Zatch Bell Omega

1000 years have passed since the last battle for king of the demon world. New rivalries, betrayals, tricks, bonds, and battles are about to ensue. Who will survive this Gods Trial to the very end? Well... that's up to you, isn't it?
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 You're my partner!?

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PostSubject: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 6:31 pm

A disgruntled look sat on Delshad's face as he walked around the park, a gray book was strapped onto his back, it was filled with archaic symbols and multiple fingerprints could be seen on the pages. Delshad was a Mamodo, he seeked a caster in the human world so he could rise to the rank of king in his land. The young Mamodo had searched all day but found no one.

With a sad look Delshad sat on a bench, this was so frustrating! The day was about to get worse. A small explosion blew up a part of the bench beside the young Mamodo, with a quick hop he moved away. In front of him stood a man and a humanoid bull, a Mamodo and caster.

"Hello young Mamodo, where is your caster?" The human who held a tan book, the bull Mamodo beside him snorted. Delshad simply hid his book behind him and glared at the man, a chuckle escaped the mysterious man's lips, "Have you no caster? Ha, this battle will be simple then. Taurona!" The bull let out a monstrous roar which blew up the ground infront of Delshad.

As soon as he noticed how serious the situation was, he frantically looked for any human who could possibly be his caster.
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PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 10:37 pm

Jedd was at the park, his mother was not particularly interesting in going and since it was only a little ways away from his own home, he was allowed to go alone as long as he was careful. So he heartily agreed and left, though it was obviously not much fun, he just wanted to swing on the swings for a bit or maybe go down the slide once or twice. But when he noticed that scary teenager, he was not particularly excited to be there, he wanted to wait for him to leave so Jedd could leave, but so far, that was not happening.

When Jedd saw some man, he took notice to the Minotaur first, holding some odd book, but Jedd didn't make the connection of similar books in between the two of them. He was blinded by curiosity to go over and look at the Minotaur. Sneaking over near the scary teenager, he got very close to him, though not exactly hidden anymore, within one step, Delshad's book began to glow, it shocked Jedd and he fell back on his bum. He didn't know what to make of the shining book, but since he was the only person in the park besides the other three, there were not too many people he had the chance to ask.
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You're my partner!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 10:48 pm

As the man continued to fire spells off at him through his Minotaur Mamodo Delshad continued to dodge, eventually he noticed his book glowing, this of course meant someone compatible with the book was nearby. Upon a quick sweep of the are he saw a small boy, the look on the boy's face seemed to be a mix of awe and terror as he looked up at the enemy Mamodo.

Could he really be my partner? The mere thought of it disgusted Delshad but he had to try. As quickly as he could Delshad ran towards the hidden boy, this wasn't the best plan since the enemy was still battling him.

A strong sound wave blew across Delshad's side and sent him spiraling into a tree. With the whole right side of his shirt blown to pieces and his right arm damaged badly Delshad gave a rough order to the young boy, "Read the book! Read it now!"

Neither the Minotaur or caster seemed to notice as they closed in on Delshad who simply had his eyes shut and prayed that this boy might be of some use.
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You're my partner!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 11:12 pm

Jedd could only watch as this teenager was being pummeled by the Minotaur, though he could see that the man obviously had something to do with it, he never thought that book was relevant. That was until Delshad's own book was sent flying at him by the Mamodo. It was shining while he opened it, wondering what all those odd words were. Though looking, he didn't see much past what he expected, he could not read a gosh darn... wait. What did that say? He had decided it was at the very least a good idea to say it out loud, why exactly, he needed to read it aloud because he still had a little trouble reading.

"Inhan" He said, wondering what exactly that meant, that was until he looked up, seeing that something was going on with that teenager. He wondered what he just did, thinking it was something bad, regretted ever saying whatever it was he said. He had no idea what was going on and was so scared urine began to trickle down his shorts.

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PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 11:16 pm

Upon the utterance of the word "Inhan" Delshad's body began to pulse as his strength increased. The caster who controlled the Minotaur didn't seem to care and simply unleashed another sound wave which drove Delshad through the trunk of the tree he was propped against. This time he wasn't that hurt though, he even began to slowly rise. With a grin he looked towards the young boy.

"Go on, there should be another spell, it will help me much more." A wicked grin flickered on Delshad's face as he pointed towards the Minotaur. "You will be mine, and your book will burn."
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You're my partner!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 12:04 pm

Jedd was scared out of his mind, that guy was now seemingly more evil, but when he barked his orders, he was afraid to fight back, this guy looked like he could break him in half, not doing what he said seemed like a terrible idea. "Stanmar" He sniffled, though it was enough to get the cast out for Delshad to use. Jedd was scared out of his mind, that guy ordering him to read some weird book, the Minotaur and the intimidation set by Delshad, he could do nothing but cry and sit in his soiled shorts.
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PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 12:12 pm

When the boy didn't read the spell loud enough for Delshad to use it the stone Mamodo's eyes widened, the caster of the Minotaur Mamodo was looking everywhere, unable to find Delshad's caster. The man shrugged and grinned sadistically at Delshad, "You silly, silly mamodo, with a cowardly caster you will get nowhere. And if I can't find this caster I will simply destroy you. Gigano Tauren!"

The large Minotaur opened its mouth and roared at Delshad, the more intense sound waves pummeled Delshad into the ground. Delshad let out a strangled cry of pain as not even his strength enhancement didn't protect him from this assault of sound. The stone mamodo opened his mouth and let out a pleading cry.

"Please! Read the spell louder! I beg of you!" Both of Delshad's stone eyes were beginning to roll back, the pain was unimaginable, he couldn't even move a muscle. The gray attire he always wore was now tattered and he could feel blood dripping from his mouth and from his forehead. Almost everywhere really.

"Please read it...." Delshad's voice trailed off as he began to weaken more.
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You're my partner!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 12:21 pm

Jedd seemed to have not said it loudly enough, and with all that screaming and whatnot going on, it had only furthered his fear of the situation, he had no idea what was going on or why, all he knew was that this weird kid was getting beat up by that Minotaur, and nothing was being done besides this weird book. He had been given orders by an agonized boy, he was not really sure what to do, so he just screamed the spell. "Stanmar!" He screeched, not even sure what it would do or why he needed to say it, but he was loud and clear, though he didn't even think about compromising his location to the enemy with such a loud shout.
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PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 12:30 pm

Once the spell was screamed by the boy Delshad's body began to grow a thick armor of stone, it spread from his toes over his hair. With pain still pulsing through his body he stood up. The soundwaves from the Minotaur still slammed his body and began to crack his armor but it could no longer force him down.

Though the design on the armor where his face was wouldn't allow clear view of Delshad's face it was obvious he was angry. With a quick swing of his fist he sent the Minotaur gliding over the ground before glaring at the caster who had in the mean time found the boy, "Hehe, GIGANO TAUREN TOWARDS THOSE BUSHES!" The order was yelled as loudly as possible and a strong sound wave shot out toward the bushes.

Even though it was hard to move with this armor on Delshad moved till he was infront of the blast. The soundwaves shattered much of his armor leaving only hi right-leg's armor, half his chest armor, most of his head's armor and one arm's. With a sigh Delshad looked at the boy, "So you're my caster, stay there and shout the third spell in that book."
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You're my partner!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 8:45 pm

Jedd had almost began to bawl as the attack came towards him. He was shocked to see the teenager protecting him, though his words made Jedd unhappy and he didn't want to be there in any form, but he knew this was not the time for that. "Inhan Raruu" He said, loud and clear. He knew he was already done for, but he might as well give this guy a fighitng chance. He finally stood, and saw the man and his Minotaur again, his shorts obviously soiled from his earlier fright.
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PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 8:58 pm

Suddenly Delshad's muscles began to grow and become more toned before his skin took on a tough exterior, "Oh yeah, perfect, thanks kid." With a giddy laugh the stone mamodo pointed at the caster and minotaur, "This time you're really done for!" In the blink of an eye Delshad was running towards the Mamodo, the pieces of his stone armor still crumbling.

"Damn, GIGANO TAUREN!" The sound wave blasted Deslshad and made him slide across the stones, he got his heels stuck into the ground before moving forward. Due to the incredible pressure Delshad's mouth once again began to bleed, his ears began to bleed, and even his nose dripped blood. It was extremely painful.

Finally he reached the Minotaur who was belting out this spell. Delshad grinned at the surprised caster and Mamodo before punching the Minotaur in the mouth. A happy laugh escaped his lips before he turned to the caster who was staring at him surprised, "Give me the book and no one will get hurt."

The caster looked at his roaring, pained mamodo for support but when he got none the caster handed the book to Delshad. With one movement Delshad punched a hole in the book. Soon it and the Minotaur began to vanish. Within a second the caster was gone.

Delshad just sat on the ground and rubbed his bleeding areas, "Hey kid, get over here."
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You're my partner!? Empty
PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 1:42 pm

Jedd was afaraid to approach the guy, he had just beat up a minotaur and punched a hole in that book. The scary man had ran away, and there he was, ordering him to come over. He quietly shuffled over to the older guy, though not that much taller than him, was very intimidating, not to mention how embarrassed Jedd was that he soiled his shorts, he didn't want to be seen in public. He was afraid to do little more than speak one word. "Y-yes?" He said meekly, hoping this guy would not punch a hole through him too.
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PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 1:58 pm

Delshad took a few seconds before responding to the boy, trying to choose his words wisely and not to confuse him. After a second he turned to the boy with a grin, "Well kid, I have to tell you a few things right here and now." Even though he had put on a cheery look Delshad sounded very serious, "I am a Mamodo, a demon, we mamodo are sent here to your planet Earth every 1000 years to decide on a king." Hopefully this wouldn't lose the boy.

"The way we decide this is through a huge tournament, each mamodo is given a book and the task to find a caster so they can use their true strength." Delshad gave up on his cheery exterior before he started explaining this part so he looked pretty serious, "You are my caster, I am relying on you to help me in battle and to protect this book," The stone mamodo gave his grayish blue book a poke, "With your life." He prepared to ask the big question.

"Do you agree to help me, or will I have to burn my own book here and now?"
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PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 4:50 pm

When Jedd had heard him talking, he calmed down, and almost became excited. What this guy was talking about sounded really cool actually. Though when he was totally unaware of the situation, he was so scared he pissed himself, now that he actually understood the basics, he could probably battle much easier. He was not wholly unafraid of this guy, but something in his gut told him this could be totally awesome.

"Uhh, yea! Sure! But uhh, can you explain it more later?" He asked, he had already said yes, but now, he wanted to know a little bit more of the rest of the story, instead of the whole story wrapped up in a few breaths. He had a feeling no matter how much he was afraid of this guy, he actually and genuinely needed him, so how could Jedd deny him? If he really needed help, he should get it.
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PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 5:12 pm

Delshad gave a small nod to the boy, "Sure, I'll explain it later once we go to your home, I need to rest after that battle." Once he had stood up Delshad looked at the boy again, "Oh, and I need to train you a bit. How your reflexes are right now you could die, and since you're my caster and will almost always be holding my book in battle I can't have you getting hit."
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PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 5:26 pm

Though Jedd did not like the sound of training with this guy, but even so, he tried to keep a straight face as he walked back to his house with Delshad. He could only wonder what his mother would say about this, considering he told her at all, though for now, he thought it best to keep it a secret, how exactly he would hide Delshad, he was not sure, but he would figure it out, or so he assumed.
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PostSubject: Re: You're my partner!?   You're my partner!? I_icon_minitime

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